Saturday, 4 October 2014

Conspiracy Theory Junkies

There are plenty of Conspiracy theories that occur from events that have happened and then the theories evolve from one source or another and take on a life of their own.
Most of the conspiracies involve a famous person place or thing. The first rule is that it must be a subject that a lot of people have a passion for, either pro or con. Something the public has a lot of hate or love for. In other words; A lot of emotion is a large component of the ingredient that stirs one up inside. A story that becomes a conspiracy theory might have been in the news and has literally captivated the masses. It can be an individual like Marilyn Monroe, She captivated the hearts and minds of America. We hated to see OUR beautiful Marlin Monroe suddenly and UN-expectantly taken from us, after all, how could she just die like the rest of us lowly humans? She was bigger the life. There must have been something behind her death don't you think?
When you think of strength you think of steel, Like Superman. Steel is real hard to bend. I can smash aluminum pretty easily but steel is very strong so when you think of steel melted and flowing like a milkshake it just doesn't register in your mind. So when some think of 9/11 you can't seem to grasp the idea of the World Trade Buildings coming down because the steel support beams melted from the very hot burning Jet fuel. There just has to be another reason why they came down, like maybe a bomb blew them up, or worst; Bush planned it all. I personally don't think the later. But that's a conspiracy theory.
The unexplained can certainly stir ones imagination up. Like," Are we alone in this universe"? Have you ever seen a UFO streaking across the night sky? Some people even tell us how they were abducted and put on an operating table and probed.
What about the H1N1 and the swine flu outbreak? were they released onto society on purpose by some Illuminati or secret skull and Bone society out to depopulate the world. How about the plans for a One World Order? Global warming? is it fact or fiction? Were the statistics manipulated to look like the earth is warming? many scientist secretly don't believe the earth is warming.
Conspiracy theories will continue to develop as long as big events and people are in the mix and there are Conspiracy theory Junkies who like to read about them like you and I.
Kelly Crepeault, the world is full of the unknown. I like to expand my mind and explore all angles of a story. The known and the unknown. []

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